Sabtu, 17 November 2018

Travel to Tamansari Jogja

Jogja keeps many stories, memories. Starting from its history, society, traditions, culinary, tourist attractions. Always make people miss back to Jogja. So it's no wonder this warm city is one of the favorite tourist destinations. The unique culture and cultural heritage make Jogja special. In addition to the Jogja Palace as an icon of Jogja and also a major destination, Taman Sari also attracted the attention of many tourists. Located in the complex near Kraton, precisely on the Taman road you can visit Taman Sari which only takes 15 minutes from the North Square. Taman sari waterecastle people call it. This water palace holds many stories of concubines, empresses, and the garwa ampil of the Sultan.

Initially the park was named the fragant garden. Built during the time of Hamengku Buwono 1 (1758-1763), this park was used for recreation, parks for families and the last fortress if the palace was attacked by enemies. The architect of this park is a Portuguese who is known as Demang Tegis. The Taman Sari water palace was built in a magnificent full of philosophy, last used in 1812. In 1975 it was renovated, then in 1976 it was opened to the public. This garden which was used effectively in 1765-1812 initially stretched from the southwest of the Kedaton complex to the magangan complex.
 This water palace is divided into 4 parts:

1. Artificial lake in the west
2. Umbul bathing is an artificial lake in the south,
3. The girjawati and passive pool in the south part 2.
4. Suspension bridges and artificial islands extending from the girjawati and pasokan ponds to the binangun bath tubs.

But now only one building is still intact, namely the binangun bath tub, the other 3 have become residential areas that used to be courtiers. What's left now is just southwest of the Kedaton complex. The area of ​​the sari garden was actually around 10 hectares. It consists of 57 buildings in the form of bathing complexes, artificial islands, lakes, suspension bridges, parks, canals, underground passageways and buildings, underground mosques. Some of them were damaged by the 2006 earthquake. One of the renovated buildings is an underground mosque. Mosque or gumuling well is underground. If you want to visit this mosque you have to pass through an underground passageway which above it is an artificial lake. An attractive design because when you enter the hallway, you don't feel heat, because there is an artificial lake above. When the light enters through the vents makes the hall look beautiful. The mosque in this land consists of 2 circular shaped floors and a middle well. Under for women, the top for men.

The entrance to Taman Sari which is now, was once the back door of Taman Sari. Because the front door has been built a lot of houses, the back door functioned as an entrance. From this door, visitors are taken into the Jogja palace bathing pool, above which is a symbol of the makara, the symbol of the reinforcements. The pool consists of 3 parts, namely the kawitan tub for the children's bath, the sari pen for the Sultan's concubine and daughter, while in the south the sari tuber is built a tall building where the Sultan sees the bathing concubines and selects one of them to bathe together in the binangun tubers. This pool is surrounded by large and high walls. Each pennant is decorated with mushroom-shaped springs, around the pool there is a giant flower pot. Umbul binangun is also referred to as umbul pasiraman.

You're curious, aren't you? Immediately invite friends, relatives, family to see the exoticism of Taman Sari. Don't worry that the entrance ticket doesn't make your bag thin. Just pay 3000 for local tours and 7,000 for foreign tours. You can also use the services of a tour guide to further explore information about Taman Sari. The tour guide here does not set prices. Simply paying approximately 25000 you will be quite satisfied with the information submitted.

If you want to go to Taman Sari, don't come in the afternoon, because the opening hours of Taman Sari are from 08.00 to 14.00. After seeing this sari garden you can enjoy the culinary that is typical of Jogja. Gudeg Wijilan is an alternative that is worth a try because this is where the center of Jogja is warm. Snacks for souvenirs you can buy bakpia patuk. If you are still strong enough to walk, you can visit tourist attractions not far from Taman Sari, including Yogyakarta Palace, Malioboro, Smart Park, etc.

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